An alternative vision of water governance based on the principles of environmental justice, equality, and care
Why a Transformative Water Pact?
In March 2023, world leaders and stakeholders across sectors will gather in New York for the UN Water Conference, dedicated to address the global water crisis. From countless experiences of people around the globe, and supported by substantial scientific evidence, it is obvious that major changes are needed in the way we share and care for water.

In the decades since the last UN Water Conference in 1977, water sources have been further exploited and polluted for the economic gains of a few.

As a result, ecosystems have deteriorated and the majority of the world’s people have been left with too little and unsafe water to rely on.
What is Transformative Water Governance?
Water governance is defined here as the decision-making processes and associated (formal and informal) institutions and power relations that influence the flows, quality, use, availability and distribution of water, whether it be fresh or salt, surface or subsurface. Transformative water governance refers, in turn, to the decision-making processes, institutions and power-relations that are needed to foreground environmental justice, equity and care in relation to water.
What is the Transformative Water Pact?
The Transformative Water Pact (TWP) has been developed in response to the continued exploitation of nature, neglect of human rights and the extreme power-imbalances that characterize contemporary water governance throughout the world. It details an alternative vision of water governance based on the tenets of environmental justice, equality and care.

The TWP spans two sections of key principles and a framework for action, that provide anchor-points and strategic priorities to guide decision-making for transformative change in water governance. It was initiated by the Dutch environmental justice organization Both ENDS and the international water knowledge institute IHE-Delft. It was developed and authored by a diverse group of 40+ environmental justice advocates from civil society and academia, notably from the Global South, who work extensively on water-related issues throughout the world. It’s content was defined through a process of online round-tables and writing from December 2022 to February 2023. The TWP is a living document that can serve as a basis for further discussion and refinement.

Who can endorse the Transformative Water Pact and How?

The TWP can be endorsed by any actor that supports the transformative principles and is committed to implementing the framework of action within their own area of expertise and sphere of influence, including Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), policy-makers, academics, private sector actors, community groups and governmental organizations. How? By signing the TWP we express the following:
Our support of the key principles of Transformative Water Governance.
Our intention to contribute to implementing the Framework of Action, within our respective areas of expertise and spheres of influence.
Our commitment to refrain from any activities that undermines the principles or actions detailed in the TWP.
Our commitment to transdisciplinary collaboration and learning with other signatories of the TWP.
Our commitment to motivate other actors to join the TWP.
Our commitment to speak out against actors, policies or practices that undermine the principles or actions detailed in the TWP.

Key Principles of Transformative Water Governance


Transformative Water Governance recognizes that water is an essential element for sustaining all life on earth, and that the flourishing of water bodies and surrounding ecosystems must be prioritized as an end in itself.

Framework for action


Responsive public institutions


Analyse the role, functioning and power relations of formal and informal institutions engaged in the day to day governance of water in a given context, in order to identify the challenges, opportunities and strategic priorities for supporting transformative water governance.


Adopt a rights-based approach in formulating, implementing and harmonizing cross-sectoral laws, policies, and/or programming that effect the flows, quality, use, availability and distribution of water.


Support inclusive, gender-just community-led water governance by placing community needs, knowledge and aspirations at the centre of decision-making processes and institutional reforms related to water, in a manner that is attentive to intra-community diversity and power relations.


Support capacity development and transdisciplinary learning among water sector professionals, to become attentive and responsive to the needs, knowledge and aspirations of communities.


Prioritize equitable revenue generation and investment in order to strengthen the capacity of formal and informal institutions for equitable water management and ecological restoration, based on the needs, knowledge and aspirations of communities.


Undertake contextually suitable institutional reforms for the public management of water bodies, which recognize water and related infrastructures as commons.


Uphold transparency and free and easy access to information for all people concerning policies and practices that impact the flows, quality, safety, availability and distribution of water.


Knowledge exchange and development


Support inclusive, transdisciplinary collaboration and joint learning between citizens, practitioners, academics, policy makers, civil society actors and private sector actors engaged in water governance, with the aim of overcoming existing knowledge hierarchies and power disparities in water governance.


Protect, foster and learn from indigenous and traditional knowledge systems and water management practice that foreground common well-being and the intrinsic value of nature.


Facilitate and subsidize inclusive, transnational learning exchanges between communities and civil society actors engaged in water governance in different geographical contexts and at different scales, to cross-fertilize experiences with community-based water management and translate these experiences into policy recommendations at the regional, national and international level.


Facilitate and subsidize the development of inclusive innovations in water services, for underprivileged, marginalized and traditionally excluded groups, based on their needs, knowledge and aspirations.


Establish qualitative and quantitative public water monitoring campaigns, with a particular focus on water bodies that are subjected to withdrawals and/or pollution by large-scale water users.


Justice and equality


Analyse how systemic inequities are reflected in contemporary policies and practices, with the aim of developing and implementing corrective measures to redress inequities.


Adopt an inter-sectional and rights-based perspective into water policy formulation, in order to prioritize the redressing of (historical) injustices towards groups marginalized by society.


Guarantee and protect safe civic space and the right to assembly, such that individual civil society actors can safely and freely speak out, and ensure the protection of environmental human rights defenders with special attention to women.


Assure Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and veto rights to communities in the case of new infrastructural, large-scale agricultural, mining, industrial and other developments affecting water flows, quantity, quality, availability or distribution.


Local capacity


Strengthen local capacities of community-led water management organizations based on the needs and priorities as identified by communities themselves.


Support the establishment of horizontal networks between community organizations within a shared water system, to promote and strengthen a sense of solidarity among water users and foster learning exchanges.


Provide legal support and institutional strengthening to community-based organisations and community-led water management organizations, so that they can assert their rights within the context of water governance.


Ecological integrity


Enforce moratoriums on large-scale infrastructure developments, mining concessions, large-scale agriculture and forestry, and other industries that threaten water rights and/or ecological integrity.


Develop ecologically restorative environmental management strategies at the watershed level through inclusive and gender just community-based spatial planning.


Make the rehabilitation of degraded watersheds a fiscal and political priority.


Compensate communities fairly for their custodianship of ecosystems, whether their custodianship be de facto or de jure.


International regulation


Support the development and implementation of binding international laws and regulations for multinational enterprises operating abroad, whose business activities affect water flows, quality, quantity, availability or distribution.


Stimulate trans-boundary collaboration between states and societies that share water bodies to ensure sustainable and socially just governance of water bodies and their surrounding ecosystems across borders.


Ghana, Africa
Nairobi, Kenya
California, USA
The International Association for Water Law, referred to as AIDA from its Spanish acronym, was created in Washington, D.C., the United States of America, on 30 May 1967.
Organisations have pledged to make a difference.
The pact is available in 8 different languages for reading, sharing, and inspiring action.


Akosua Boakye-Ansah
Ana María Arbeláez-Trujillo
Asociación Interamericana Para La Defensa Del Ambiente
Convergence Of Initatives For Environmental Justice
Devralin Lagos
Dhaatri Trust
Dr. Alejandro Camargo
Dr. Hind Ftouhi
Dr. Jeltsje Kemerink-Seyoum
Dr. Lena Hommes
Edgar Isch-López
Fundación Plurales
Green Development Advocates
IHE Delft Water and Development Partnership Programme
Insituto Cordilheira
International Rivers
Irene Leonardelli
Jaringan Advokasi Tambang Kalimantan Timu
Jeunes Volontaires Pour L'environnement Côte D'ivoire
Kalikasan People’s Network For The Environment
La Alianza Abrazo Al Río La Miel
Legal Rights And Natural Resources Center
Millenium Community Development Initiatives
Movimiento Socioambiental Kumanday
Natural Seeds Alliance
Non-Timber Forest Product Exchange Program Asia
Prof. Dr. Margreet Zwarteveen
River Commons
Sauvons l'Environnement, L'eau Potable et l'Assainissement pour Tous
Solidaritas Perempuan
Umbela Transformaciones Sostenibles
WALHI South Sulawesi
Woman in Action on Mining in Asia